The thing that miss the most of my old house with it’s wonderful garden is being able to grill. Mexican food is historically very tied to the grill and cooking over an open fire.  I used to stick a piece of rosemary through a jumbo, head-on shrimp, brushed them with a little garlic-olive oil mix and grilled them. I did the same with fava beans in the pod.  My favorite paella is made on a grill(see recipe.)  I made smoked carne de chango (literally monkey meat, but now made with pork) and I have many other delicious recipes to share with you who CAN grill!  Lucky!


Not the best picture but it is one of my most famous recipes: Grill-Smoked Salmon

ensalada girasol

A recent addition worth reposting Chicken with Mango Salad


And here are the rosemary shrimp ready to go on the grill.

camaron conromeroPhoto by Pedro  Luis de Aguinaga

Few people cook octopus at home and it’s too bad.


Photo Zarela Martinez

And then there is marinated pork strips.  I could go on and on but you shoudl explore the website.  I’ve got lots of great stuff there for you to try!

cecina a las