Living Well with Parkinson’s
Secrets, experiences, tips, and building blocks Zarela uses
If You Can’t Fix it, Sing.
On one of my research trips, we came upon a graduation ceremony in a little village high up on Mount Zempoaltepetl in the state of Oaxaca, Mexico. We were invited to the celebration that followed. One of the parents stood up and said, “Hago este ofrecimiento.” (I make this offering.) “Porque solo no se puede compartir la vida.” (Because alone, one cannot share life.) “Otros tienen que estar ahi.” (Others must be there.)
I am happy and thankful to have the opportunity to share my 33-year journey with Parkinson’s disease with you.

Photo: Javier Linares

Zarela Martínez — Living With Parkinson’s
Zarela offers her insights and coping methods for successfully living her best life with Parkinson’s on “Boomers Today” in this audio interview with Frank Samson.